Saturday 20 March 2010

British Colony in Spain

Opposition notes that the description of Gibraltar used by the Spanish National Police shows a complete lack of respect for our identity which is so common with officialdom in Spain. This follows the report to the police lodged by Gibraltarian victim Daniel Buhagiar who was recently attacked in La Linea.revealed yesterday that the Spanish National Police, who filled in the report, come under the Ministry of the Interior in Madrid, and that when quoting Mr Buhagiar's place of birth, the Spanish National Police filled it in as "the British Colony in Spain (United Kingdom), United Kingdom." When quoting Mr Buhagiar's place of residence, the National Police filled the form in as "the British Colony in Spain".The Opposition considers that it is shameful that political undertones should creep into what should be purely an administrative and judicial document. This is the first time that it has come to our notice that Gibraltar has been described in this manner in this kind of paperwork. It reflects the traditional obsession of Madrid to refuse to recognise Gibraltar as a separate entity and takes this policy to totally ridiculous lengths by omitting the name "Gibraltar" completely.The Opposition considers that those responsible should be more concerned with caching the perpetrators of the attack than with scoring political points of this kind.

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