Saturday 30 April 2011

32 year old Briton, named as Kenneth P.S. has been arrested after trying to take the gun being carried by a local policeman

32 year old Briton, named as Kenneth P.S. has been arrested after trying to take the gun being carried by a local policeman when in one of the shops in the Starco Commercial Centre in Arona.

The local police say two people approached them with the appearance of being drunk. One of them was very well built and muscular and nearly 1 metre 90 tall, and started shouting at the police in English using the expressions, ‘Fuck the police, ‘Fuck off’, and ‘Bloody Bastard’ among others.

La Opinion de Tenerife reports the police say they tried to ignore the man but then he fell on one of them and reached for the agent’s gun.

Finally a total of six police were needed to contain the individual who remained hostile throughout the whole procedure.

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